02171 - 345153
Servicezeit: Mo.-Fr. 9:00 - 18:00 Uhr
Average construction
Average driving time/Flight time
Average charging duration
Average charging duration via USB
Directly recharge by transmitter
Officialy licensed
Crawler or chain drive
Only for outdoor use
Controlled via infrared
Controlled via 2.4 GHz
Number of channels
Number of channels and addition. functions
With LED light
LED light can be switched on/off
Power generation by solar cell | Producción
Safety Shutdown
4-Wheel Drive
German siren
With sound or music
Analog audio line
360° Flip possible
Automatic Gyroscopic tail stabilisation
Sound recording and playing
Signal light
Camera with video and photo function
Max. Payload for ad. devices
Self driven
Self flying not RC
Assembly kit
Ready to fly
Ready to run
Max. achievable speed
With Lithium-Ionen battery
With Lithium-Polymer battery
Product Video under
Switchable speed modus
Die Cast
Alarm system
Electric drive
Electric brushless drive system
Splash proof
Self stab. 6 Axis gyro flight attitude adjustm.
3D capable, including inverted flight
3D capable, including inverted flight
Control/transfer on smartphone/tablet
Live Image transm. and steering in FPV mode
The model is able to keep the desired flight direction even if turning around it´s own axis.
Automatic orientation mode incl. flyback function. The model can keep the programmed flight direction even if turning around it´s own axis and by pressing the appropriate button flies back to you.
The model shows the live camera image during the flight or drive directly on an LCD screen on the transmitter. The pilot has a visual perspective just as if he himself sitting in the model.
GPS module to determine the exact position of the model. Depending on the equipment, with GPS you can perform autonomous flights, patrol waypoints, automatic circling or precise hovering.
Altitude Hold Adjustment is a function that allows the model to maintain the predetermined altitude based on the measured air pressure by a barometer (or altimeter). The barometer measures on the basis of changes in air pressure, the height differences of the model and compensates automatically and unnoticeable. When activating the „Altitude Hold Adjustment mode“ during the flight the model maintains the set height.
Supported by GPS the model automatically flies back to the starting point.
Paint with your finger a trajectory that your model will search for automatically.
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